I’m just gonna come out with this now, early, so I can talk about it all I please in the future. Secrecy is soul-death after all, and I’ve spent too much of my life hiding things. This is my blog, anyway. So here goes: I’ve got two guides. At least, I talk to two guides. […]
This website is nearly finished, my healing studio almost complete, every single detail mere centimeters from perfection. So it’s on to phase two of my business venture. Marketing. I could write a book of all the reasons I hate marketing. My personality, for one, is so incongruent with capitalism I’ve often doubted I’m even human. […]
Wheels of Life: Heart Chakra
For your reading pleasure, the forth installment in my chakra series, abridging the hell out of Anodea Judith’s incredibly thoughtful and thought-provoking classic, Wheels of Life: Heart Chakra The love we experience at the level of the heart chakra is distinctly different from the more sexual and passionate love of the second chakra. Sexual love […]
Oh, what a week/month/year. I seem to have been freed from the unpleasant aspects of the reiki attunement’s effects this time around – or at least I’m not noticing them. It seems the gunk has been removed and now my main emotion is a pressing sense of urgency – a desperate hunger for my own […]
Wheels of Life: Sacral Chakra
Yesterday was my Access Bars training. Ooooh boy, where to begin? It’s hard for me to explain this one. I’ll be poring over the workbook for the next few days, reading articles, collecting whatever information I can to describe it concisely. In essence, there are several points on a person’s head that correlate to various […]